How to force HTTPS on your WordPress website if you have an SSL certificate installed

Do you have an SSL certificate installed on your WordPress website but when you go to your domain, it shows the website as Not secure? To view the HTTPS version, you have to type https:// before your domain name. If you want to automatically redirect to the HTTPS version of your WordPress site then follow the steps in this blog.

The first step is to go to your WordPress admin. If you don’t know how to do it, just add /wp-admin after your domain name. It may ask you to login with your username and password. The next step is to install a free WordPress plugin called Really Simple SSL. To install it, go to Plugins, click on Add New then search for a plugin called Really Simple SSL. After you searched, click Install Now on the first plugin then click on Activate. Once the plugin is activated, it will say Almost ready to migrate to SSL. If you see a message that SSL is not installed on your site instead then try reloading your WordPress admin via HTTPS by clicking the reload over HTTPS in the message. You may need to login again. So when you now see the Almost ready to migrate to SSL, just click on Go ahead, activate SSL button. Once done, you may need to login again to your WordPress admin. And you’re done! Now, when you go to your site, it will show that the site is secure even if you type in http:// before your domain name.